Statement of Faith
I believe in You, my God, the Creator of Heaven, and earth. I believe that You, my God have many sides and faces, and the diversity of humanity is a literal reflection of You.
I worship you Loving Father and Excellent Mother. You are the Holy Parent of my Savior, Jesus the Christ. I believe in Jesus and what he carried out on earth. I believe that all he did was driven by Agape, pure unadulterated love.
Through Jesus, you experienced the anguish of my humanity. By Jesus, I am reconciled with and restored to the Divine.
I believe in the Holy Spirit. I believe the Holy Spirit is Christ’s consciousness sent forward to remind us of how to discern the Spirit at work and govern ourselves accordingly.
I believe that the consciousness of Christ is still moving through the universe and
when that source of Love is tapped into, it is empowering and liberating.
I believe that there is joy and cost in discipleship and that the servant is not higher than the master.
You have given humanity the ability to answer Your clarion call to oneness.
You call your church to wholeness with you and each other.
In this wholeness, we can serve each other.
In this wholeness, I can find forgiveness of sin.
In this wholeness is the invitation to sit at Your table and sup with You.
In this wholeness, I can be wholly, holy, I can experience heaven on earth.
In You, I am loved forever and blessed for sure, for your kin-dom is without end.
Blessings be unto You, I Am, the author and finisher of my faith, amen.