Teña Nock is originally from Washington, DC, and currently resides in Tampa, FL. She has lived all over the US from the East Coast to the Mid-West because of having served in the United States Navy for 8 ½ years. Teña holds a B.A. in Psychology from USF (GO BULLS!). Teña is also a graduate of PATHWAYS Theological Education Inc.
Teña is currently a member of First United Church of Tampa, UCC where she is a Member in Discernment. She also chairs the Congregational Care Committee and is expanding the ways in which the committee can meet the congregation’s needs as they navigate the current pandemic. She formerly chaired the Communications Committee and was instrumental in helping the church expand its social media presence.
Teña is currently pursuing the path to ordination as she believes she is called to be a Pastor in the UCC. Teña has a passion for God’s people and God’s creation. Teña is a current member of ARM which is the Anti-Racism Ministry team of the Florida Conference of the UCC. Teña is also a member of the Nominating Committee of the Florida Conference.
Teña is also currently in training to become a certified facilitator of Sacred Conversations to End Racial Injustice, for the UCC. Additionally, Teña is active in the African American Women in Ministry (AAWIM) Conference of the UCC.